The Traveling Raconteur

Short Stories and Tales from the Road


Los angeles - June 11, 2016

I dusted off my rarely worn, but oh so comfortable, Chefwear sushi chef pants. You know, so bombastic they only see the light of day when a Jimmy Buffett concert is in town?

“On the road again...” That’s nothing new. That’s been a commonly heard mantra of mine for years. While nearly always a willing participant, this trip was one of reluctance. Why so reluctant?

This trepidation isn’t due to a particularly unsavory locale. Heck, it’s Hawaii! It isn’t because it’s for work. We’ve already established work travel is what I do most. It is because this trip took me from the one thing I covet and cherish most. This trip stole away time with my kids.

My ex-wife recently texted me. She’s a wonderful mom and we’ve remained close friends despite the unplanned failure of our marriage. She invited me to my daughter’s upcoming mermaid themed birthday party. I couldn’t wait to see my sweet girl and youngest son again. Spending time with my children means more to me than ANYTHING else in the world.

Mermaid party, eh? I knew exactly what I would wear. Forget the fact it wasn’t a costume party. I was determined to press the boundaries with the perfect outfit. I’d be stylish and edgy with a bit of irreverence.  You know, the type of outfit that borders on horrifying my teenage daughter in front of her friends while leaving them all in awe of how cool her daddy is.

What the well-dressed Merman will be wearing this summer.

What the well-dressed Merman will be wearing this summer.

Well, I did it and I’ve got pictures!

It was less than 24 hours till I was to debut that ridiculous ensemble for my little lady’s unsuspecting entourage, more importantly till I got to be with my kids again. That’s when the phone call came. Thankfully it wasn’t a family problem or worse, a loss among our ranks. It was unsettling just the same.

It was an unforeseen work crisis. Aren’t they all?

Bottom line, I needed to be on a plane the following evening just hours after the start of my baby girl’s festivities. I was in the rare and unenviable position of being painted into a corner. There simply was no way to get out of this trip or delay my departure.

Well, I certainly wasn’t about to let this rob me of the joy I could still have with my kids. After all, this work assignment was a function of the success of my company and 90 minutes with my loved ones was still better than no time at all. Right? ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! I’m not only a permanent resident of the Sunnyside of the street, but also its Mayor.

Hours before the party, the car was packed for my trip to the airport and it was time to transform into a real merman. I dusted off my rarely worn, but oh so comfortable, Chefwear sushi chef pants. You know, so bombastic they only see the light of day when a Jimmy Buffett concert is in town? Next, an awesome nautical-themed white long-sleeved T-shirt from a great designer in Ventura, California.

Only one thing missing. Ah yes, a bright green pair of Tommy Bahama shoes.  Imagine a pair of Vans rocking the brightest shade of lime green you’ve ever seen. I was a sight to behold.  Time to head over for some quality family time.

Who has two thumbs and rocks these?This guy right here!

Who has two thumbs and rocks these?
This guy right here!

At the party I got just the reaction I hoped for. The mock horror of my little girl impressed by the effort, coupled with the admiration of her friends that proclaimed their love of the outfit. I hung with my kids, shared laughs with past in-laws, enjoyed some freshly cut veggies, and had a wonderful time. It was a sweetly therapeutic hour and a half.  It was a magical afternoon to be a dad.

With the splashing of mono-finned swimmers and the cheers of revelers celebrating a terrific young lady’s birthday behind me, it was time to return to reality. LAX on a hectic Saturday night awaited this lonesome traveler and I was feeling the pain of the life I have chosen. Time for some real soul searching.  I had to decide if I was going to be miserable over what I didn’t have or graciously energized by what I did have. The choice didn’t come as easily as the Mayor of the Sunnyside of the Street had hoped.

My resolve was in place. “THE GLASS ISN’T HALF FULL!” I contested… “IT OVERFLOWS!!!” You’ve got an amazing life bucko and you cannot ever forget it. I knew what I had to do. I was required to travel with a smile on my face and a happy heart.

With my head right and feet pointing me towards Gate 47A I was ready to face whatever trials a 5+ hour flight would present me.  I took a deep breath and was determined to take it all in stride and let the chips fall where they may. I smiled at fussing children, acknowledged late season travelers, and thanked the crew for their hard work during our upcoming collective tube ride through inner space at 35,000 feet. Bring it all on!  My head was right and I promised to go along quietly and be no trouble.

This merman was rerouted to the tropics. It was now a magical night to be a dad, as well.

"Have You Traveled Today?"


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