The Traveling Raconteur

Short Stories and Tales from the Road

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I’ve never overthought the notion of having to travel for work. Depending on whatever it was I would either be forgoing back home or looking forward to on the road, my feelings have consistently ranged anywhere from indifferent to ecstatic. Rarely have I ever found myself put off or perturbed by it.

So what then qualifies me to put down into print any form of meaningful prose regarding my travels, experiences, and adventures on the road?  Well, nothing I guess. Let’s face it, no one really has to prove they are worthy to document anything. However, everyone should write something or another. I suppose for me this website is my “another.”

Don’t get me wrong. I do my fair share of traveling for pleasure, but it seems to me the juiciest of tales I return home with are nearly always related to those trips I have so willingly (and at times unwillingly) taken during my pursuit for a living that allows me the simplest of luxuries like food and shelter.

"Have You Traveled Today?"